Are We the Afterlives of Our Sandwiches? - #19

from $5.00

"Who is your afterlife?"


  • Deborah Bird Rose, Wild Dog Dreaming

  • Timothy Morton, Being Ecological

  • Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

Each zine is printed on a single sheet of paper, folded into an 8 page zine. Pricing is on a sliding scale, so choose what you pay!

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Grateful for the Dead Bundle
Sliding scale:
Against Duck Supremacy: Reimagining the relationship between ducks and animals - #23
Sliding scale:
Car and Possum: A Driving Ethic - #40
from $5.00
Being Watched By Squirrels: A zine for humans (Reversible) - #32
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Have You Seen the Monster? A Zine About Philosophy's Worst Idea - #33
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Meditation with Insects: An Art of Noticing - #1
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copy+paste: a zine about imported relations - #34
from $5.00