why you think plants can't think: A historiography of plant sentience - #43
from $5.00
"[Plants are] naturally enslaved and accommodated to the use of others." - Thomas Aquinas
"🙄🙄🙄" - Kristian Brevik and Jules Lees
Matthew Hall, Plants as Persons
Olivia Angé, "Human Potato Relatedness and Affective Attunement across Species in the Peruvian Highlands"
"Völuspa: The Soothsaying of the Vala" in The Elder or Poetic Edda, a collection of Norse creation stories, translated by Olive Bray
Val Plumwood, "Ecological ethics from rights to recognition"
Zoë Schlanger, "Learning the Language of Plants" in Orion Magazine (The Light Eaters)
Each zine is printed on a single sheet of paper, folded into an 8 page zine. Pricing is on a sliding scale, so choose what you pay!
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