why you think plants can't think: A historiography of plant sentience - #43

from $5.00

"[Plants are] naturally enslaved and accommodated to the use of others." - Thomas Aquinas

"🙄🙄🙄" - Kristian Brevik and Jules Lees


  • Matthew Hall, Plants as Persons

  • Olivia Angé, "Human Potato Relatedness and Affective Attunement across Species in the Peruvian Highlands"

  • "Völuspa: The Soothsaying of the Vala" in The Elder or Poetic Edda, a collection of Norse creation stories, translated by Olive Bray

  • Val Plumwood, "Ecological ethics from rights to recognition"

  • Zoë Schlanger, "Learning the Language of Plants" in Orion Magazine (The Light Eaters)

Each zine is printed on a single sheet of paper, folded into an 8 page zine. Pricing is on a sliding scale, so choose what you pay!

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